VH1.com published yesterday that the Boston Herald did report that the police may have a lead in the unsolved murder of JMJ.
From VH1.com:
“According to a report in the Boston Herald, an unnamed witness has told police that Ronald “Tinard” Washington, 43, was an accessory to the murder of Jay (born Jason Mizell), who was shot to death in his Queens, New York, studio on October 30, 2002 […]. Last week, Washington was convicted of six armed robberies for holdups he committed in November 2002.”
Washington told the Boston Herald that he expects to be charged soon as an accessory in Jay murder, but denied being involved.
One reply on “Police May Have Lead In Jam Master Jay Murder Investigation”
I have credible information on a threat that was made to me in the form of a comment concerning Jason’s murder. I can prove the source. THIS IS NO BULLSHIT. The NYPD will not talk to me despite the fact I offered to take a polygraph test. I can prove my claims. Feel free to contact me if desired.